Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Blog Address Change

I changed the blog address to I guess I am in denial about the hysteria that our lives are and really didn't want the title of our blog to reflect that! Hee Hee! Things are crazy which is why I haven't posted in a while. Trying to get Kade to gain weight, although he is nursing like crazy! Dr. wanted him to supplement with formula but he didn't like that at ALL! So I am just feeding him all of the time and praying that God will take care of the weight gaining! Kennedy's favorite word is NO with the head shake included! Kyle has a talent show on February 13th at LHMS where he will be displaying his rocking guitar skills! Leanna is done with soccer and concentrating on dance!! Michael is busy at work during these trying times, and I am trying to remain sane as hard as that is with two babies and one that doesn't take no for an answer! Thank goodness Kade is such a great baby! As much as I say I am crazy, I do love being a mom. It is the most rewarding job ever and totally worth the emotional and mental breakdowns!! I know I am not alone! Hee Hee

1 comment:

me said...

You are an inspiration to many, including myself! I love you, Cath! So very much!!! Keep are doing a FANTASTIC job!

PS, LOVE the *new & improved* blog!